
Melissa Cruise

An extremely elegant design has come forth from a student whose visual ability is undoubtedly excellent. She executes an idea with ease, but she also manages her mental image of a project just as well, conceiving it. Melissa has obvious rare talent, and she must continue to work intensely with CAD, and that also she has to recognize her special ability to “eye-ball” her things, and put sense into most of what she draws or hopes to draw. She is very fortunate in this sense.

Her project is interesting for a number of reasons. It has been well executed graphically, and yet the program is also interesting, one wonders if indeed if the two building types should be made to blend into one another if the resulting spaces immediately loses character, or personality, and if this is NOT uninteresting, or good. If so, the building that Melissa has given us is pure and simple. She needs to ask if this is satisfactory, for herself. A unique opportunity for her to identify with a style, or a vocabulary so that indeed she can now, with licence, add “character” to her model. She’ll make a good architect no doubt. I enjoyed her work.

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